Terms and conditions

Who We Are

This web site is property of PVS nv
head office Address:
Kolmenstraat 149
3512 Hasselt
Phone number: +32 11 27 55 66

Intellectual Property

"PVS" and the PVS logo and any other PVS product or business information, code, content, drawings, graphics, information, logos, metadata, meta tags, marketing information, page format and style, phrases, pictures, video clips, product descriptions, renderings, text and trademarks that may appear on the Services, Content or our products are trademarks of PVS and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. You may not use any metatags or other "hidden text" utilizing "PVS" or any other name, trademark or product or service name of PVS without our prior written permission. In addition, the look and feel of the Services and Content, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts, constitute the service mark, trademark and/or trade dress of PVS and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos on the Services, Content or our products are the property of their respective owners and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the permission of the applicable trademark holder. Reference to any products, services, processes or other information, by name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by PVS.

Links to Third Party Websites

This website may link to other websites owned or operated by third parties, or otherwise allow you to access your user account through third party social networking or similar websites or software applications. PVS has no control over these third party websites or applications and shall have no liability for such websites or applications. Any references to any third party names, marks, products or services, or hyperlinks to third party sites or material are provided to you solely for convenience, and do not imply any affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement by PVS. PVS has no responsibility whatsoever for any content, practices, policies or acts of or by such third parties, nor does PVS make any warranties or representations whatsoever regarding such third party content, practices, policies or acts.

Adjustments terms and conditions

These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time due to our policy of constant improvement . PVS nv will notify you of any changes to the terms and conditions by posting the new terms and conditions on pvs.global/legality/terms-and-conditions. You are advised to consult this term and conditions regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.


With 'PVS' is meant in the Conditions mentioned below: PVS NV, with registered office in Kolmenstraat 149, 3512 Stevoort – Hasselt, Belgium, company nr.104 559.

With ‘Customer’ is meant a Distributor, a Partner or any other company that wishes to buy from PVS.

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to all orders, deliveries of materials, services or works, and to the total exclusion of all the other oral or written conditions. They connect parties subject to other particular written conditions.


If the Customer wishes to purchase any of the products verbally, from the My.pvs.global (PVS website) or any written order (for example: letter, e-mail, MS Teams,...) then the Customer shall agree with the General Terms and Conditions of Sale. The Customer acknowledges that he shall be completely responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes, and assessments arising out of the use of the services from PVS which are subjected to change without prior notice.

Any order placed verbally, via the My.pvs.global (PVS website) or any written order (for example: letter, e-mail, MS Teams,...) shall constitute a valid order. The order obliges the Customer to purchase. In case of avoidance, PVS can demand as desired the purchase and total payment or compensation to the amount of 30% of the retail price.


If an advance is provided, the delivery period does not start until receipt of this advance. The delivery and execution periods only apply as an indication. Overstepping these periods cannot be a reason for avoidance of the order or for ending the Agreement nor for payment of any compensation by PVS. If PVS is obliged to request by registered mail at the last known address of the Customer, to collect the products, a period of six (6) months starts from the shipment. If the appliances are not called for within this period, they are considered to have been handed over.

The price

The price is indicated based on tariffs which are effective on the date of the order and is susceptible to adjustment, if there are fluctuations in the prices of PVS between the period of signing the order form and the delivery of the goods.

Terms of payment

Payment is made in advance, before shipment unless otherwise agreed in written. This is done via a SWIFT transfer or via an irrevocable confirmed standby letter of credit. The SWIFT payment needs to be done as follows: the Customer must mention the correct PVS IBAN Number (BE74 7360 7009 6207) and BIC code (KREDBEBB). On the SWIFT bank documents from the Customer, the Customer needs to fill out “OUR” in box 71A. If the document is not filled out properly and PVS is charged with additional bank costs, these costs will be taken on by the Customer and added in an overview with the next shipment. Bank cheques or credit cards are NOT accepted.

The payment terms are determined in function of the executed works. In case these Conditions are not complied with, PVS reserves the right to stop the works.

In case of non-payment of the advance within a fortnight after the due date, all the amounts due become immediately claimable, except for possible granted terms of payment.
All the invoices must be immediately paid on delivery, unless there is an explicit and written deviation.
Every debt is portable and must be paid at the registered office of PVS.

In case of non-payment on the due date or on delivery, PVS has the right to suspend all further deliveries.

In case of non-payment of the whole or part of the amount due on the due date or on delivery, all the amounts due become immediately claimable and owed by right and without preceding proof of default a delay interest of 1% for every month that is started, as well as a conventional compensation to the amount of 10% of the invoice amount with a minimum of € 25 per invoice.

If the trust of PVS in the creditworthiness of the Customer is violated by actions of judicial execution against the Customer and/or demonstrable other events, that question the trust and/or make the trust in the good execution of the agreements made by the Customer impossible, PVS reserves the right to cancel the whole of the order, even if the goods have already been partially or completely dispatched/shipped. Bills of exchange, cheques, mandates or receipts do not cause novation, nor deviation of one of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale.


Complaints must reach PVS by registered mail with receipt card within five (5) days after receipt of the goods. After this time limit, deliveries and prices are considered to be definitively and totally accepted. Goods that are sent back without preceding and written agreement being granted, are refused. Sold goods are not taken back or exchanged.

Default on PVS

PVS is under no circumstances liable for an obligation that is not met, or for a delayed delivery, to the extent that this is due to a cause outside her sphere of influence, like for example an act of the government, a natural disaster, actions of the Customer, transport problems, scarcity of electricity or parts, labour disputes, etc. In that case, PVS can cancel the orders concerned without liability towards the Customer.


The warranty is only applied on presentation of the invoice and for Customers who do not have a separate agreement in place.
PVS accepts the warranty obligations for equipment and components delivered by him in the Belgian and the Luxembourg sales territories and for the International PVS Partner.
Nearly uniformly, the manufacturers of electronic appliances grant a twenty-four (24) month warranty with regard to manufacturing, construction and material defects. AUDAC grants a sixty (60) month warranty with regard to manufacturing, construction and material defects on electronics and sixty (60) months on passive loudspeakers in this territory.
PROCAB and CAYMON grant a twenty-four (24) month warranty.
The warranty period will be twelve (12) months for the imported brands PVS distributes, unless otherwise specified; for the brands Ateïs, K&M and Contacta the warranty period is twenty-four (24) months.

This warranty does not apply for Customers which receive an individual Service Budget in order to cover the costs and efforts of these services themselves. The warranty never includes transport errors.
The warranty obligation expires if the Customer himself makes changes or repairs to the goods, if he lets changes or repairs be made, if he uses the goods for other than normal purposes or if he treats the goods injudiciously.
Hidden faults that are determined during the warranty period mentioned above, must be announced by the Customer to PVS by registered mail within five (5) workdays after the day on which these faults have been discovered.
The Customers located in Belgium and Luxembourg, and the International Partners hereby agree with the product brand warranty terms, DOA (Dead On Arrival) terms and RMA (Return Material Authorization) terms which can be found on the My.pvs.global (PVS website). Other Customers agree with the Service terms mentioned in the Contract and Guidelines.


The total liability of PVS with regard to the Customer is as determined in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. PVS is not liable for damage that does not fall under the warranty explicitly provided in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

PVS is not obliged to any compensation of damage in any shape, manner or form to movable or immovable property, the Customer as well as third persons concerned, that came into being or was caused by using the delivered goods or because of its unsuitability.

Because of the single acceptation of the goods delivered, PVS is safeguarded against all possible claims of the Customer and/or third persons to payment of compensation, irrespective of the damage coming into being as a consequence of manufacturing defects or any other cause.

PVS Portal (https://my.pvs.global)

Due to the policy of updating and improving the My.pvs.global (PVS website), PVS reserves the right to make changes to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time in its sole discretion, with or without notice. The Customer is responsible for checking the General Terms and Conditions of Sale regularly to determine whether PVS has made any such changes. Your continued use/access of the My.pvs.global (PVS website) platform after such changes shall confirm your acceptance of such changes.

PVS also reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes in the products, prices, and/or the programmes described on its My.pvs.global (PVS website) platform at any time without notice and in its sole discretion. PVS uses reasonable skill and care in producing the content and providing access to the content on the My.pvs.global (PVS website) platform. However, because of the inherent nature of the internet PVS does not give any warranties, expressed or implied, or make any representations as to the accuracy, adequacy, access or inability to access, or any delay in access, suitability of any content of the website. PVS does not warrant that the My.pvs.global (PVS website) platform will operate error-free or that My.pvs.global (PVS website) and its server are free of computer viruses and other harmful goods.

The Customer agrees that it will not use any robot, spider, other automated device, or manual process to monitor, copy or damage the website content, without expressed prior written authorisation from PVS.

Force majeure

For construction sites where a construction site slackening clause is provided, the following applies: walkout, lock-out, weather circumstances that take place beyond the control of PVS and which are thought to be the cause of work stoppage, are regarded as force majeure and suspend the execution and delivery period, as well as similar cases that are regarded as force majeure by law or jurisdiction.

Property and risk

The goods remain property of PVS until full payment, even if the goods have been adapted. Every shipment of goods takes place at risk of the addressee, also if PVS arranges or takes care of the transport. All the home shipments/dispatches or orders are charged separately and are not taken into account in the retail prices. As soon as the goods have been delivered, the Customer carries all the risks of loss and/or destruction of the goods. Possible advances remain obtainable by us as compensation for possible losses in case of resell.


The Customer shall not reveal either during this order or after its termination or expiration trade or commercial secrets or other confidential information (e.g. technical data, discount policies, General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Warranty conditions, etc.) that has come to the Customers knowledge through his activities under this General Terms and Conditions of Sale, and agrees not to use such secrets or confidential information.


Should any Customer provide information such as questions, comments, suggestions, or the like regarding the content of any PVS products or services, such information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and PVS shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information and shall be free to use, disclose, reproduce and distribute the feedback information to others without limitation. PVS shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in such information for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to developing, manufacturing, and marketing products incorporating such information.


The possible invalidity of one or more clauses does not bring about the invalidity of the other clauses of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, nor the invalidity of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale themselves. An invalid clause will be replaced by a clause with equal result.

Legal choice

All issues, questions and disputes concerning the validity, interpretation, enforcement, performance or termination of this Contract shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the Belgian law. In case of dispute the Commercial Court of Antwerp, Belgium shall have exclusive jurisdiction. Eventual disputes on the part of the Customer do not discharge the Customer from paying within the term. The English original version of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale should be consulted in case any dispute occurs.


If any clause of this General Terms and Conditions of Sale is contrary to a Customer Contract Agreement with PVS the Contract prevails, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise. If the Parties deviate from their agreements in writing and signed by both Parties, the deviation prevails.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions while using the site, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at info@pvs.global.